The Firebird of Rio 导读课教案
发布时间:2024/2/26 13:34:12 作者:包香 浏览量:1702次
Title | The Firebird of Rio—Lesson 1 | ||
语篇研读 | 【what】本书属于“人与社会”主题语境下的故事类语篇,是一个关于给凤凰涂颜色的故事。本书主要讲述了两个好朋友Victor Lopez和Carlos Garcia被选来为里约热内卢狂欢节彩车上的凤凰涂颜色。在完成这项工作的过程中,Victor和Carlos一开始各执己见,Victor认为凤凰是金色的,而Carlos认为凤凰是红色的。Carlos偷偷将凤凰涂成红色,这令Victor非常生气,两人又发生了争执。在争执过程中,Victor和Carlos把颜料涂到了对方的脸上,两人大笑。最终,他们一起合作完成了涂色的工作。本书呈现了真正的友谊是学会妥协和合作的主题意义。 【why】本书围绕两个好朋友Victor和Carlos为凤凰涂色的故事展开,通过讲述他们在完成这项工作的过程中,从开始的各执己见到最后的合作完成,旨在引导学生理解真正的友谊是学会妥协和合作的主题意义。本书的故事贴近学生的生活,具有很强的现实意义和教育意义。 【how】本书属于记叙文体裁,采用了一般过去时的时态,按照时间顺序讲述了整个故事。全书共分为四个章节:第一章主要介绍了故事的背景信息,Victor和Carlos被选来为里约热内卢狂欢节彩车上的凤凰涂色,但是两人对于凤凰的颜色意见并不统一;第二章主要讲述了Carlos偷偷地将凤凰涂成红色,两人为此发生了冲突;第三章描述了两个小伙伴在争执中将颜料涂到了对方的脸上,因而大笑,化解了争执;第四章主要描述Victor和Carlos各退一步,互相合作完成了工作。Victor和Carlos最终明白了友谊的真正含义,也通过这个故事,让读者们明白真正的友谊是学会妥协和互相合作。 | ||
学情分析 | 本书授课对象为七年级学生,经过小学的英语学习,他们已经掌握了一定的语言知识、语言技能和阅读能力,但是阅读策略、思维品质和学习能力亟待提升。本书话题贴近学生真实的生活经验,情节简单易懂却寓意深刻,学生阅读兴趣和探索欲望较强。 | ||
教学目标 | 通过本节课的学习,学生能够:
2. 通过观察书本封面﹑目录和插图,对本书的主要人物和大致情节有初步预测; 3. 通过细读书本第一、第二章,整体感知文本,梳理细节信息,概括故事的起因和经过,并对故事后续发展进行预测; 4. 通过初步概括故事中主要人物的行为,分析人物情绪及性格特征,并对人物之后的行为进行预测。 | ||
教学重难点 | 教学重点: 1. 通过快速浏览文本,了解故事大意,把握文本结构; 2. 通过观察书本封面﹑目录和插图,学生能对书本背景信息和书本内容有初步预测。 教学难点: 通过细读书本第一、第二章,整体感知文本,获取细节信息,并通过人物行为,分析人物情绪及性格特征,对故事后续发展进行预测。 | ||
教学方法 | 任务型教学法与交际教学法相结合。 | ||
教学评一体的教学设计 | |||
教学目标 | 学习活动 | 设计意图 | 教学效果评价 |
| Pre-reading 1.Information from the cover: view and guess. Teacher shows the cover to the students to get some information of the title, and asks the students to predict what may happen in the story. Q:What can you see from the cover? How much do you know about Rio? What may happen in the story? 2.Information from the content: view and match. Teacher asks students to predict how the story probably develops by introducing the story mountain first. Q:Can you match the main parts of the story mountain to the contents?
| 通过分析书本封面﹑目录和插图,了解书本背景信息和主要人物,预测故事内容,为后续书本阅读做铺垫。
| 教师通过聆听学生的回答,观察学生是否关注到封面﹑目录和插图传递的潜在信息并给予指导。 |
| While reading Chapter 1 The Color of Fire Setting of the story: view and answer Teacher leads students to read on their own and fill in the blanks. Q:When and where did the story happen? Predicted answers: The Rio de Janeirro Carnival parade was in two weeks. Their neighborhood club decided to put a phoenix on their float. Victor and Carlos were chosen to paint the phoenix. Beginning of the story: view and answer Teacher leads students to read on their own and asks the following questions. Q:Why did people choose to put a phoenix on the float? Predicted answers: Phoenix is a bird from myth. Phoenix represents never-ending life. Main characters: view and answer Teacher leads students to read on their own and guess the relationship between the main characters. Q:What is the relationship between the boys? Predicted answers: They were good friends. Plot: view and analyze Teacher leads students to read on their own and asks the following questions. Q1:Victor and Carlos were friends, why did they look angrily at each other? Predicted answers: Because they argued about what colour to paint the firebird. Q2:What are their opinions? Predicted answers: Victor thought the firebird should be gold because his grandmother told him that. However, Carlos thought the firebird should be red. Neither boy would compromise. Q3:How will you react if you have different opinions with your friends? Predicted answers: We may discuss the problem together. We may ask others for advice. Q4:What did Victor and Carlos actually do?
Chapter 2 Seeing Red Plot: view and analyze Teacher leads students to read for details and asks the following questions. Q1:What did Victor see? Predicted answers: The phoenix had been painted red. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Q2:How did Victor feel then? Predicted answers: Victor might feel angry and disappointed. Teacher leads students to read on their own and fill in the blanks. Q1:Can they solve the problem by doing so? Predicted answers: No, both of them became angrier and angrier. Q2:Will their friendship last then? What will happen next?
| 通过细读文本,获取更多细节信息,通过人物与插画相匹配,检查学生对不同人物的心理活动是否理解,提升学生梳理、归纳信息的能力,通过人物语言、行为等,引导学生分析人物的情绪和个性特征,提升学生的归纳总结能力。同时为进一步了解书本后续内容做好铺垫。
| 教师通过聆听学生、巡视学生做匹配题,观察其是否掌握了提取和梳理信息的能力,必要时给予指导和帮助。 通过聆听学生的回答,观察学生是否掌握文章细节,是否根据人物语言、行为能够分析人物的情绪和个性特章,必要时给予一定的引导和帮助。 |
作业设计 | Finish the reading journal according to the reading plan.